Informe Oficial, Manual y Recursos para la creación de Corpus Sociolingüísticos
Publicado: Miércoles, 17, noviembre 2021, 12:00 p.m.

As a part of the National Endowment of Humanities project "Bilingual Voices in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands," Dr. Bessett, Dr. Carvalho and I wrote a white paper on our findings on technologically-aided transcription methods for bilingual sociolinguistic corpora.
This white paper entitled "Technologically-Aided Transcription Methods for Sociolinguistic Corpora: Findings, Resources, and Considerations" details the project from beginning to end including links to resources and products created during the grant period along with considerations for developing sociolinguistic corpora.
Among the resources and grant products included in the white paper, the team created a CESA & CoBiVa Handbook along with a resources folder for scholars interested in creating community-based sociolinguistic corpora.