CoBiVa at LASSO 2021
Posted: Friday, October 1, 2021, 09:00 AM
This year's LASSO 2021 Virtual Conference included two presentations related to the Corpus Bilingüe del Valle (CoBiVa) and presented by three faculty and five students.
First, Dr. Katherine Christoffersen, Ms. Kimberly Regalado, and Ms. Carolina DeAnda presented "Learning sociolinguistics en dos idiomas: Translangaging pedagogy and critical language awareness in university level courses" on Friday, Sept. 24. This presentation analyzed how students responded to a translanguaging pedagogy through code-switching patterns and also students' reflections on the translanguaging pedagogy. This paper, co-authored by Dr. Christoffersen and Ms. Regalado, is currently under review for a special issue on Translanguaging/Bilingual Pedagogy at UTRGV.
The second presentation was authored by Dr. Katherine Christoffersen, Dr. Ryan Bessett, Dr. Ana Carvalho, Ms. Mayte Vega Mudy, and Ms. Isabella Calafate de Barros. It was presented by Dr. Christoffersen, Ms. Vega Mudy, and Ms. Calafate de Barros. Entitled "Speed, Accuracy, and Ease of Use of Technologically-Aided Transcription Methods for Bilingual Sociolinguistic Corpora," this presentation reviewed the overall results on speed and ease of use from the pilot study of Microsoft Stream and ExpressScribe during corpus development internship courses at UTRGV and the University of Arizona during Spring 2021. (See more details here.) This project was funded by the National Endowment of the Humanities: Exploring the Human Endeavor. The team is currently working on a draft of this manuscript for publication.
Great job, team! Also many thanks to the coordinators of the very successful LASSO 2021 Virtual Conference!