Faculty Research Hub

Faculty Research Hub Components and Initiatives

In Fall 2021, Dean Alma D. Rodriguez invited interested CEP faculty to join a design team to develop and implement a Faculty Research Hub. The vision of the CEP Research Hub is to provide faculty development and support in the area of applied, pure/basic, and theoretical research in education; provide faculty development and support in the area of grant writing; promote and support student scholarly opportunities; and provide oversight of all graduate research assistants in the college, including building capacity among them and supporting faculty who are awarded a GRA.

The Faculty Research Hub is composed of the following components and initiatives:

  • (1) Graduate Research Assistants program
  • (2) College Research Grants and Grant Support
  • (3) College Journal
  • (4) Professional Development and Resources.

All design teams came together throughout the year to share objectives, progress, and outcomes, as well as to obtain feedback from the overall design team. Below is information regarding the design teams as well as their work so far and plans.

Graduate Research Assistants Program

The purpose of the GRA design team is to provide oversight of all GRAs in the college, including building capacity among them and supporting faculty who are awarded a GRA.

College Research grants and Grant Support

The purpose of this design team is to provide faculty development and support in the area of grant writing.

College Journal

This design team aimed to re-design the goals and scopes of the Borderlands journal.

Professional Development and Resources

The purpose of this design team is to provide faculty development and support in the area of applied, pure/basic, and theoretical research in education and to manage Research Hub resources.