Intent to Pursue B3 Scholar Seal
At the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, we view our students’ linguistic backgrounds as valuable resources. Spanish language and bilingual courses capitalize on the rich linguistic heritage that many students bring into our classroom and prepare our students to serve their surrounding community. When UTRGV was founded in 2013, the UT System Board of Regents called on UTRGV to explore biculturalism, bilingualism, and biliteracy as part of its fabric, and teaching Spanish language and bilingual courses respond to that call.
We are thrilled that you intend to pursue the B3 Scholar Seal. Please fill out the short form below so that we may assist you in reaching this goal.
Please review the requirements for the seal on the B3 Scholar Seal Overview page.
At this time, the B3 Scholar Seal certificate program is currently available for undergraduate students only.
Let us know if you have any questions at
Any undergraduate student who has taken 5 qualifying courses will receive the B3 Scholar Seal. You do not need to wait for acceptance to the program. See the B3 Courses webpage for information on relevant courses being offered in upcoming semesters. If you have questions on your coursework or would like to meet with the B3 Scholar team, please send us an email or visit us during the B3 Office Hours on Fridays from 11am-1pm at