
The Behavior and Child Development Lab at UTRGV (BeChilD Lab) is proud to introduce the Bilingualism Project. Its goal is to advance our understanding of Bilingualism and Language skills in autistic and non-autistic children - 9-11 years-old living in the RGV. If you want to participate, contact us at bilingualism1@utrgv.edu or 956-665-7955.

Main researcher: Dr. Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Associate Professor - Department of Psychological Science-UTRGV. For more information see the following video: Bilingualism Project


El Laboratorio de Comportamiento y Desarrollo Infantil de UTRGV (BeChilD Lab) se enorgullece de presentar el Proyecto de Bilingüismo. Su objetivo es avanzar en nuestra comprensión del bilingüismo y las habilidades de lenguaje en niños autistas y no autistas, de 9 a 11 años de edad, que viven en el RGV. Si quieres participar contáctanos al bilingualism1@utrgv.edu o al 956-665-7955

Investigadora principal: Dra. Cecilia Montiel-Nava, Profesora Asociada - Departamento de Ciencias Psicológicas-UTRGV. Para recibir mas informacion vea el siguiente video: Projecto de Bilingualismo

Bilingualism Project:

Are you the parent of a child ages 9-11?

Join our Project!

What is this project about?

The purpose of this project is to learn more about bilingualism and language skills in children with autism.

What's involved?

For those eligible, participation will include:

  • Completing a screening survey
  • IQ testing
  • ADOS-2 testing (autism eval.)
  • Language assessments


Screening survey will be completed at home or via Zoom.
Testing will be conducted at UTRGV's Psychology Clinic in Edinburg.

Who can participate?

  • Children within the ages of 9-11
  • Bilingual autistic children (English and Spanish)
  • Monolingual autistic children (speak either English OR Spanish)

Participants will receive a $25 gift card for completing the screening survey and up to $120 for the comprehensive assessment. They will also receive a summary of the evaluation results.

To learn more about eligibility and how to participate, contact us at: bilingualism1@utrgv.edu or (956) 665-7955.