Intellectual Contributions

Using Google Scholar to Import Your Publications

Watch video on how to Use Google Scholar to Import Your Publications

To export citations to a BibTeX file:

  1. Navigate to Google Scholar.
  2. Select My Citations.

     Navigate to Google Scholar. Select My Citations.

  3. If you are not yet logged in, enter your credentials to sign in. Upon signing in you should land on your profile page where you will see a list of your "articles."
  4. If you would like to export only select articles to your BibTeX file, choose these from your profile. If you would like to export all of your articles, simply leave things as they are.

     If you are not yet logged in, enter your credentials to sign in. Upon signing in you should land on your profile page where you will see a list of your "articles." If you would like to export only select articles to your BibTeX file, choose these from your profile. If you would like to export all of your articles, simply leave things as they are.

  5. In the Actions drop-down list choose to Export your articles.

     In the Actions drop-down list choose to Export your articles.

  6. On the Export Articles page, ensure that the File Format selected is BibTeX. Then select to export either the selected articles or all articles, depending on your need.

     On the Export Articles page, ensure that the File Format selected is BibTeX. Then select to export either the selected articles or all articles, depending on your need.

  7. Save the export file.

Upload BibTeX File into FPT

  1. Select Intellectual Contribution

    Select Intellectual Contribution

  2. Select Import Items

    Select Import Items

  3. A window with open – Select Option A

    A window with open – Select Option A

  4. Find the File on your computer
  5. Pick your collaborators

    Find the File on your computer Pick your collaborators

  6. Finish upload

    Finish upload

Using PubMed into FPT

  1. Select Intellectual Contributions

     Select Intellectual Contributions

  2. Select Import Items

     Select Import Items

  3. A window with open - Select PubMed

     A window with open - Select PubMed

  4. Type in the Author's name

    Type in the Author's name 

  5. Select your publications

     Select your publications 

  6. Select your collaborators

     Select your collaborators

  7. Finish upload/import 

     Finish upload/import 

Download Instructions with graphics