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Frequently Asked Questions
Main Description
When will faculty/instructors be able to view the evaluation report for their courses?
Instructors will be able to view their evaluation reports about 2-3 weeks after the evaluation period concludes.
I am a faculty member. Some of the courses I'm teaching are not in my Course Evals list. Why is this?
There may be several reasons.
The most common reason a course may not be in your list is that it is a course section with a small enrollment. Courses with less than 5 enrolled students do not have course evaluations because the small class size may allow someone to determine a student’s identity. There are rare exceptions to this for courses in Fine Arts and some special programs.
Another reason that you may not see the course evaluations in your list is because you are not listed as the official Instructor of Record for the course. Your Department Chair or School Director can correct this in the Banner system.
If my class has fewer than 5 students, can I request that course evaluations be set up for the class?
The course evaluations are predicated on students’ anonymity. Therefore, we do not allow course evaluations for classes with fewer than 5 students in order to protect students’ identities.
However, faculty can request to merge sections with small enrollment. If you would like to make such a request, please submit your request with the appropriate information needed to courseevals@utrgv.edu no later than one week before the evaluation period opens. Unfortunately, sections can not be merge after course evaluations have opened.
How can I add questions to my evaluations?
Instructors may add optional questions to obtain additional feedback from students. Optional questions can only be added before the student evaluation period opens. Please see guide below for instructions.
Course Evaluation Optional Questions Reference Guide
Student Frequently Asked Questions
When do student online course evaluations open and close for the full semester?
The evaluation period opens approximately 3 weeks before the end of the semester. Students have until 11:59 PM on the last day of the evaluation period to complete the survey. We encourage faculty members to remind their students to complete their evaluations for early access to their grades.
How do students access the evaluations?
Students should log into My.UTRGV.edu site and click on the Course Evals application icon.
Can students access the evaluations through Blackboard?
No. Students can only access their evaluations by logging into My.UTRGV.edu site and clicking on the Course Evals application icon.
If students do not complete an evaluation, when can they view their grades?
Students who do not complete an evaluation will be able to view their grades in ASSIST approximately 1-2 weeks after the term ends.
If a student does not complete an evaluation, will this affect their graduation?
Course evaluations have no impact on a student’s graduation status.
I am a student. Some of the courses I'm taking are not in my Course Evals list. Why is this?
The most common reason a course may not be in your list is that it is a course section with a small enrollment. Courses with less than 5 enrolled students do not have course evaluations.
Oops! When submitting my evaluation, I accidentally gave my instructor a score of 1 when I meant to give them a 5. Can I go back and redo the evaluation?
Unfortunately, no. Once the evaluation has been submitted, it cannot be redacted, deleted, reset or redone.
Who can I contact if my question is not addressed here? Please email CourseEvals@utrgv.edu.