2023 Messages from the Provost

Announcement: Vice Provost for B3HSI - December 6, 2023

One of the highest priorities for my office is advancing UTRGV’s identity as a bilingual, bicultural, and biliterate institution (B3) and our mission as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). To reach our goals as a B3 and HSI requires a continued commitment at the highest level of university leadership, and for this reason, I have established the Office of Vice Provost for B3HSI Integration.

Message from the Provost: COS Leadership Transition - November 29, 2023

Recently, Dr. Vivian Incera announced her intention to step down as Dean of the College of Sciences effective the end of the Spring 2024 semester. It is with sincere respect and appreciation for Dr. Incera’s contributions to UTRGV that I make this announcement to our community.

Announcement: Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs - November 28, 2023

After a search process that produced an exceptionally strong pool of candidates, I have selected Dr. Cinthya Saavedra as the new Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, effective January 1, 2024. Dr. Saavedra will join the Provost’s Office from the College of Liberal Arts where she served as Associate Dean for Faculty Success and Engagement since Fall 2019.

Message from the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs - November 21, 2023

As we approach Thanksgiving Day, there is a great deal that we can give thanks for. Our students, faculty, and staff are the people I am thankful for.

Message from the Provost - October 10, 2023

If you have been on campus in Brownsville or Edinburg this past month, you have felt the energy. It's the energy that students bring to a campus.

Message from the Provost - August 28, 2023

I am delighted and privileged to welcome you to the Fall 2023 semester.

Message from the Provost: RCVCOBE Interim Dean Announcement - August 4, 2023

It is my pleasure to appoint Dr. Giorgio Gotti as the Interim Dean of the Robert C. Vackar College of Business and Entrepreneurship, effective August 2, 2023.

Message from the Provost: School of Nursing Dean Announcement - July 31, 2023

It is my pleasure to announce the appointment of Dr. Lilia Fuentes as Dean of the School of Nursing.

Message from the Provost - June 9, 2023

I know that many of you are taking some well-deserved time off and enjoying precious moments with loved ones. Still, I wanted to reach out and express my deep appreciation for the heartfelt welcome I have received in my first week here at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

SON Dean Candidate Presentation - May 2, 2023

We are pleased to announce that the search committee has recommended Dr. Lilia Fuentes as a finalist for the UTRGV School of Nursing Dean position.

Reminder: SON Dean Candidate Presentation - April 25, 2023

As a reminder, the search committee has recommended Dr. Carmen Giurgescu as a finalist for the UTRGV School of Nursing Dean position.

SON Dean Candidate Presentation - April 20, 2023

We are pleased to announce that the search committee has recommended Dr. Carmen Giurgescu as a finalist for the UTRGV School of Nursing Dean position. We would like to extend an invitation for you to participate in the interview process for Dr. Giurgescu.