School of Nursing Dean Finalists

January 28, 2022

Dear Students,

This Monday (January 31), traditional and hybrid courses will return to their regularly scheduled in-person meetings. And as our campuses prepare to welcome you back for in-person classes and activities, please know that we remain committed to the safety and success of our entire campus community.

Though it appears that the current surge of infections caused by the Omicron variant may have peaked here in Texas, daily case totals and infection rates continue to be high. Our decision to move courses to remote/virtual learning platforms the last two weeks has helped reduce COVID-19's ability to spread on campus and has given everyone more time to get vaccinated or boosted.

Furthermore, the availability of on-campus vaccines, vaccine boosters, testing, and case management coupled with proven mitigation protocols allow us to deliver our courses and services in a face-to-face and hybrid environment safely.

If you didn’t hear, we are offering all Spring 2022 students who have received the COVID-19 vaccine booster/3rd dose $100. For more information on this incentive program, click here.

While we hope this program helps incentivize more students to protect themselves through vaccination, everyone must continue to follow UTRGV’s protocols to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

UTRGV’s protocols, based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) latest guidance, have been in place for more than a year. During that time, our protocols have helped to ensure the safety and success of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. However, they only work if each of us utilizes them properly. That’s why I want to make sure you –– and all University community members –– understand what is expected during Spring 2022.

Below are answers to the top questions students have about UTRGV protocols during this latest transition in our academic operations:

What should I do if my professor tested positive for COVID-19 or is experiencing COVID-like symptoms?

Your professor will contact you if their status causes any changes to your course schedule or delivery.


What should I do if I tested positive for COVID-19 or am experiencing COVID-like symptoms?

  • Stay home and DO NOT access any UTRGV campus or off-campus facilities.
  • Complete the Preliminary COVID-19 Screening Form if you have not yet done so.
  • You will receive a call from the UTRGV COVID-19 Response Team who will investigate the case and identify any close contacts.
  • Depending on when you tested positive or when your symptoms started and what kind of test it was (PCR or rapid antigen test), you may be directed to re-test or get tested.
  • If testing is needed, the UTRGV COVID-19 Response Team will refer you to a UT Health RGV testing site and expedite your testing process.
  • Communicate your situation with your professor especially if it affects your ability to fulfill academic responsibilities.
  • You will not be allowed to return to in-person classes/activities until you have been released by the UTRGV COVID-19 Response Team.


Does COVID-19 testing count as an excused absence?

Students should contact their instructor or supervisor to request arrangements while they are not able to access campus. You can share the standard medical clearance documentation and/or documentation from the UTRGV COVID-19 Response Team that you were unable to attend class. Instructors should exercise flexibility, work with the student to make up any missed class assignments, and not count the absence against their attendance policy.


Where can I get a COVID-19 vaccine or booster?

UTRGV students looking to get their booster/3rd dose can do so by appointment at these UT Health RGV Student Health locations:

  • UT Health RGV Student Health (Edinburg): 613 N. Sugar Road, Edinburg; Phone: (956) 665-2511 
  • UT Health RGV Student Health (Brownsville): Cortez Hall, Suite 237, Brownsville; Phone: (956) 882-3896 


Where can I find additional FAQs about UTRGV protocols and operations?

All updates to campus operations, including FAQs about COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and university protocols can be found at

This information is not new, but it is more important than ever. UTRGV’s protocols are in place to ensure every campus community member has an opportunity to successfully learn, work, and grow in a safe environment. If we all uphold these protocols, each of us can take pride in knowing we did our best to protect the future of our university, our families, and one another.


Janna Arney, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President and Provost