2021 Messages from the Provost

Message from the Executive Vice President and Provost & Dean of SOM  - December 17, 2021

As another semester ends, let’s take a moment to appreciate everything that went into getting here. Like the pandemic-affected terms before it, Fall 2021 was challenging. However, we persevered because so many of us here at UTRGV followed evidence-based protocols proven to be effective at preventing and mitigating the spread of COVID-19.

UTRGV Strategic Planning Survey  - December 6, 2021

UTRGV has launched a strategic planning process to establish an ambitious and realizable vision and priorities for the University. The Steering Committee stewarding this effort invites the UTRGV community to share perspectives to help inform the strategic direction by completing a short 10 minute survey.

College of Sciences Annual Research Conference: Women in Science Annual Meeting - November 19  - November 19, 2021

You are encouraged to participate in the College of Sciences Annual Research Conference: Women in Science Annual Meeting on Friday, November 19, from 2-3pm via Zoom. The meeting will feature renowned keynote speaker, Dr. Geraldine Richmond.

Message from the Provost and School of Medicine Dean - October 11, 2021

It is hard to believe that we are approaching the 20-month mark of this pandemic. We have worked together on behalf of our students and have continued to stay focused on the health and well-being of each other and our broader community.

2021 Fall Semester Update  - August 13, 2021

Like you, we have been anticipating the Fall 2021 Semester for many months. However, the rise of the delta variant ;statewide and in our region is a reminder that this pandemic is not over. And while the resurgence of COVID-19 seemingly threatens our progress, please know that we continue to monitor the situation daily and that we’ve been preparing for this.

Students: Preparing for the 2021 Fall Semester  - August 3, 2021

We hope that all of you are staying safe and healthy, and we look forward to your return to campus this fall semester. The safety and health of our UTRGV community and the quality of services and education we provide continue to be our priorities. That is why we are closely monitoring the COVID-19 delta variant, which is causing a surge in cases across the country and in our region.

Faculty/Staff: Preparing for the 2021 Fall Semester  - August 3, 2021

We hope that all of you are staying safe and healthy, and we look forward to your return to campus this fall semester. The safety and health of our UTRGV community and the quality of services and education we provide continue to be our priorities. That is why we are closely monitoring the COVID-19 delta variant, which is causing a surge in cases across the country and in our region.

Message from the Interim Provost  - May 5, 2021

I am pleased to share that Dr. Sandra Hansmann has agreed to step in as Interim Dean of the Graduate College at the end of the Spring Semester.

Message from the Interim Provost  - April 21, 2021

It’s hard to believe that we are approaching the end of the spring semester. This term has been uniquely challenging, and I want to thank you for continuing to give each other — and our students — your best effort. Your resilience has helped us get through another semester and ensures that better days are ahead.

Message from the Interim Provost  - March 5, 2021

Nearly one year has elapsed since the majority of us were last on campus. For many, that’s almost one year without seeing our colleagues, students, or friends. But however difficult the past 50 weeks have been, the COVID-19 vaccine is giving us all hope to believe that normalcy is on the horizon. That's why the time has come to begin planning our post-vaccine return to campus.