Message from the Provost - 2020

Message from the Interim Provost - September 14, 2020

Now that the fall semester is underway, I want to once again thank you for all you’ve done to make the start of the semester a successful one. We have just completed our census day enrollment period and are proud to report that UTRGV has reached another enrollment milestone with 32,618 students this fall (undergraduate, 27,275; graduate, 5,122; and School of Medicine, 221).

Message from the Interim Provost: COVID-19 Faculty Resources - September 1, 2020

Welcome to a new semester! Thank you for all you’ve done to make our first week a huge success. Our students are settling in as I hope all of you are as well. COVID-19 presents us with so many “firsts” that we thought it would be helpful to send all of the resources available to you in one message that you can reference when needed.

Message from the Interim Provost - August 11, 2020

As we approach the fall semester, I want to begin by thanking each and every one of you for your efforts in supporting our students this summer. Our Summer Relief package encouraged students to take advantage of our summer offerings, but it was each of you that provided a top-quality educational experience to meet their demand.