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CollegeChoice.Net's 2022 ranks UTRGV #1
The UTRGV Master of Education in Educational Technology ranks 1st nationally by CollegeChoice.Net's most affordable online Master’s in Educational Technology.'s 2021 ranks UTRGV 5th nationally
The UTRGV Master of Education in Educational Technology ranks 5th nationally by among online master’s degrees in educational technology based on value, school name recognition, accreditation, ability to personalize curriculum, and program length
CollegeChoice.Net’s 2020 ranks UTRGV #1
UTRGV was ranked #1 in CollegeChoice.Net’s 2020 most affordable online master’s degrees in educational technology. At $13,750.00 the fully online and accelerated Master of Education in Educational Technology is considered a very good value. For a greater bang for the buck, students in the M.Ed. have the opportunity to earn one or more graduate certificates in E-Learning, Technology Leadership, and/or Online Instructional Design as part of the degree.
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